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Jobs And Recruitment Prabhat Khabar Jamui
Prabhat Khabar (Bhagalpur)
Coverage City:
For Jobs And Recruitment related advertisement in Prabhat Khabar Jamui there are 3 different types of advertisement i.e. Text Classified, Display Classified and Display Ads. Depending upon the budget, media plan and target audience advertisers can select any type of advertisement.
Cost of Jobs And Recruitment related advertisement in Prabhat Khabar Jamui ranges from few hundreds to Lacs. It depends on the type of Ad (Classified or Display), city circulation of newspaper, page positioning and AD size. Bigger the size and more the circulation, the cost will increase.
Target group of Jamui and the readers of Prabhat Khabar are to be considered while deciding the language of the advertisement. Ex. If the local population is a target, then vernacular advertisement will give better results.
Typically, min AD size is between 15-20 Sq cms for Display Classified & Display Ads. But the size of the advertisement depends on the AD content and desired Impact of the campaign.
Ad size depends on budget and media plan of advertiser. For high impact campaigns, AD size should be more than 240 sq cms. Smaller advertisers can go for text Classifieds or for Display Classified AD with size ranging from 15 sq cms to 130 sq cms.
Generally, Ads are placed in the right-side pages of newspaper. Front Page, 3rd Page and Back Page are the best pages to advertise as they capture the maximum attention of the reader. Depending upon the budget advertisers can decide the page position of advertisement.
Depending upon the target audience, you should decide the day of release. Ex. Weekend is effective for consumer products & services whereas weekdays are good for business customers.
As per AD contentPrabhat Khabar Jamui may ask for documentation. This is done to safeguard the interest of the readers. Otherwise, there is no such major documentation requirement for publishing newspaper Ads in Prabhat Khabar
Prabhat Khabar is a mass media. Newspaper advertising is still considered serious and are more trusted by readers of Jamui and TG of Jobs And Recruitment Ads than any other advertising medium. Hence Ads in newspapers are still very effective.
We share e-copy of the newspaper on the day of the AD schedule. Additionally, you can also check e-paper site of Prabhat Khabar for specific edition covering Jamui.
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